MetaMask® Wallet Extension

MetaMask’s Wallet extension opens up access between your web browser and decentralized applications (dApps) built on Ethereum or Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) compatible networks

MetaMask's Official | Connect Wallet

MetaMask has recently pushed updates to its mobile app and browser extension to improve the wallet experience, focusing on load times, browser navigation, and account connectivity. The updates aim to provide more control and transparency for users.

MetaMask Mobile

  • Improved Load Times: The mobile app now loads faster, making it easier to navigate web3 on the go.

  • Browser Navigation: The browser tab is now more accessible, allowing users to toggle between their wallet and browser with a single tap.

  • Account Connectivity: Users can now choose which accounts to connect or disconnect from dapps, giving them more control over their account usage.

MetaMask Extension

  • Enhanced Onboarding: The extension now prompts users to confirm the first three words of their Secret Recovery Phrase (SRP) during wallet creation, ensuring better security.

  • Customization Options: Users can choose their RPC provider during onboarding and opt out of the default Infura provider.

  • Advanced Configuration: Users can disable certain features that send requests to third-party APIs, giving them more control over their data.

Key Features

  • True Ownership and Privacy: MetaMask prioritizes user privacy and security, ensuring that users have full control over their private keys and data.

  • Data Protection: MetaMask does not sell user data to third parties and only uses it for the core functionality of the wallet.

Download and Installation

  • MetaMask Extension: The extension is available for Chrome, Firefox, Opera, Edge, and Brave browsers.

  • MetaMask Mobile App: The app is available for Android and iOS devices.

Support and Feedback

  • MetaMask Support: Users can reach out to the support team for any issues or feature requests.

These updates aim to enhance the overall MetaMask experience, providing users with more control, transparency, and security in managing their digital assets.ShareRewrite

Last updated